A treatises on how we think.

Ontology is the study of the nature of being, specifically examining the basic categories of being. Practically, systems of categorization are essential to the maintenance and retrieval of information. Given a group of people and their mutual ideas of importance, categorization must be:

  • Universally useful — Enable individuals to easily pickup and maintain the structure of the categorizations.
  • Appropriate — Because there are multiple ways of categorizing a given set of objects, the categorization system must cater to the group’s values.
  • Timeless — Create one system of categorization; resist changing it over your lifetime. The way you think about things moves very little. Similar to putting time into creating a database schema at the beginning of your project instead of iteratively.

Posted on 07.03.09 | no comments | Filed Under: philosophy


Homo sum: humani nil a me alienum puto


“Life,” William James once said, “is in the transitions.” He wasn’t talking about weddings and graduations, but the lonely moments before, when a decision still hangs in the balance, and irrelevant details are so vivid that they’ll stick in your mind for years to come: the melted-plastic smell of a U-Haul cab; the iron sound of a public mailbox swinging shut; a paper hospital cup; a flight of stairs; a metal door-knob; a sealed envelope.




Create annotalia: "Quote about spaces

Posted on 06.03.09 | no comments | Filed Under: Uncategorized


This isn’t really a blog. This really is a collection of themes. This is scattered attempts to dissect thoughts I can’t stop thinking about: ideas that appear on the doorstep of my mind, again and again, like surprising old friends on a deluged night.
